
Westside Pediatrics
Board Certified Pediatricians located in Katy, TX
Vaccinations are a vital part of preventive health care and can protect your child from a life of chronic health complications. At Westside Pediatrics in Katy, Texas, the board-certified pediatricians offer all necessary vaccinations as required by the state of Texas, your child’s school, and other organizations. Based on your child’s age and health needs, the doctors create a vaccination schedule to ensure your child is protected from mumps, measles, and other diseases throughout their childhood and beyond. Call the office to schedule your vaccination consultation today.
Vaccinations Q & A
Why does my child need vaccinations?
Vaccinations are preventive treatments that protect your child’s overall health from several types of contagious diseases. Your child needs a number of vaccinations throughout their childhood starting soon after birth because their immune system is still developing.
Conditions that vaccinations can protect your child from include:
- Polio
- Mumps
- Tetanus
- Measles
- Hepatitis
- Chickenpox
- Whooping cough
The Westside Pediatrics staff also offers seasonal vaccinations to protect your child from the potentially serious health complications of the flu virus.
Many schools, sports teams, and other organizations require that children be properly vaccinated before they can enroll or participate in activities.
When does my child need vaccinations?
Several vaccinations are recommended soon after birth when your baby is most vulnerable to certain contagious diseases. Your Westside Pediatrics provider reviews your child’s medical history and existing health to create a vaccination schedule. The team follows the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the requirements of the state of Texas.
In addition to needing vaccinations before enrolling in daycare, school, and sports, your child may need additional vaccinations if you plan to travel with them outside of the United States. These additional vaccines protect your child from diseases more common in other countries, such as yellow fever and encephalitis.
Are vaccinations safe?
Vaccinations work by introducing weak or dead forms of a disease to your child’s immune system. This helps their body recognize germs they may encounter later in life, so it can prepare the immune system to fight back against the disease by producing necessary antibodies.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) extensively tests vaccinations for safety before they are available for use in children and adults. There are some cases where children with certain allergies may not be able to tolerate vaccination ingredients. In these situations, the Westside Pediatrics team works closely with you to find alternative ways to protect your child’s health.
Vaccines not only protect your child, but they also offer many benefits for protecting your entire community. For children who can’t receive vaccines due to allergies or other health issues, proper vaccinations in everyone else reduces their risk factors for contracting a contagious disease.
Before you make the decision to not vaccinate your child for personal or cultural reasons, speak with your provider first. The board-certified pediatricians can discuss your concerns and answer all of your questions to help you make the most informed decisions.
Schedule a vaccination consultation at Westside Pediatrics by calling the office today.