Flu vaccines for the 2024/2025 season are now available! Call the office at (281) 578-5788 to schedule your appointment today!

March 2021 Newsletter


Regarding Gov. Abbott and face mask policy

On March 2nd, Governor Abbott announced the removal of all State-imposed COVID-19 mitigation restrictions as of Wednesday, March 10th, including mask use in public spaces. In the same announcement, he also mentioned that "each person has a role to play in their own personal safety and the safety of others". At Westside Pediatrics, our goal has always been to create a safe place for you and your children. As such, we will continue to follow CDC recommendations for managing COVID-19 risk in the office (you can find our COVID-19 protocols on our home page) -- please continue to follow our safety protocols out of respect for our staff's safety and more importantly for the safety of other patients. Ultimately, we are medical professionals first and we will do what we think is best for the long-term health and safety of our patients.

Newborn parent / guardian visitation

We now permit both parents/guardians to come to the newborn's first 3 visits (increased from just the first visit previously). In subsequent visits we still only permit one parent/guardian to accompany the newborn.